The Trans-Atlanticist

The Trans-Atlanticist

Queer Chicago

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This episode is part of the ChicagoHamburg30 podcast series, which celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Chicago-Hamburg Sister-City Partnership.

Happy Pride Month!

We celebrate with an episode about Queer Chicago featuring two historians of Queer History, Owen Keehnen and Timothy Stewart-Winter.

Topics include the following: -The difficulties of accessing Queer history since it was repressed and marginalized for so long -The recovery and reclamation of Queer history -Early Gay cultures in the Levy District -The Society for Human Rights, which was the first Gay rights organization in the US, founded in Chicago by Henry Gerber in 1924 -The influence of the German writer and thinker Magnus Hirschfeld on Gay culture in Chicago -The special historical role of Chicago as the Midwestern Queer city, which differentiates it from the more well-known Gay cities of New York and San Francisco -The repeal of anti-sodomy laws by the Illinois in 1961, the first state to do so -Chicago's Human Rights Ordinance of 1988, which formally protected the Queer community from discrimination -Black Queer Chicago -Lesbian Chicago -The AIDS crisis -The Belmont Rocks and the AIDS Garden

Check out Owen's Instagram at


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About this podcast

Andrew Sola explores the past, present, and future of relations between Europe and the United States with scholars, artists, authors, politicians, journalists, and business leaders. Based at the Amerikazentrum in Hamburg, the Trans-Atlanticist provides you with insights from the thought leaders who are shaping the trans-Atlantic relationship every single day.

by Andrew Sola


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